Mask: This can be prevented through the use of a properly fitted respirator. These are the first things that will occur when exposed to the fumes for to long. Failure to do this will result in feeling faint, light headedness, and headaches. Ventilation: Always work in a well ventilated area, a garage will work but I strongly recomend a fan to help move the air around. This Tutorial will help walk you through the handling, set up and mixing of fiberglass resins along with a bit on how to coat your project to get full penetration of the resin in to the paper. Marine Helm from Halo: Combat Evolved (File from Halo costuming Wiki ). “Master Chief” was intended to be a placeholder while a real name was finalized, but the moniker stuck.Resin and Pepakura : A simple guide to the safe use of fiberglass resin There are lots of tutorials on “How to fiberglass” and ” How to create Pepakura” but there these seem to skip the steps between building the Pepakura pattern and laying the fiberglass. For much of the game’s development, the character had no name. The developers spent time considering what rank and branch of the armed forces the Chief would belong to-naval ranks grabbed them as “different” from ones the developers had heard of before. He’s a space Marine in really cool green armor.” The character’s perspective changed as the game itself changed from a real-time strategy game to a first-person shooter, but the Chief was always intended to be a soldier in the last part of a long and bitter war. In an interview on creating believable video game characters, Bungie’s Joseph Staten noted that, “Master Chief is really what kicked off the creativity,” he said, “in terms of how people react to him. Eventually, Shi Kai Wang was hired for conceptual art. One of Wang’s sketches was accepted and became the basis for the Master Chief however, after Wang’s version was converted to a 3-D model, it was decided the character looked too slender, “almost effeminate”. The Master Chief was subsequently bulked up to the version currently found in the games. Similarly, the Chief’s armor went through various changes, such as the addition of an antenna, which was removed later in development, and a green tint. The task of developing Master Chief for the character’s first appearance in Halo: Combat Evolved fell on Rob McLees and the project’s art director, Marcus Lehto.